PT. Putra Jabung Persada, known as PT. PJP or PT. Jabung. We have worked hard since 1999. Our target is to become a community company. We pledge to be able to develop together with the community.

The purpose of this website is to provide information and make it easier for job seekers to get information. You can find a variety of information about the country of placement, type of work, procedures and requirements. We will always update up-to-date information, for advice and information you can contact us either by telephone, email. We look forward to helping you.

PT. Putra Jabung Persada is the official company for Placement of Indonesian Private Workers (PPTKIS) as stated in the Decree of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration of Republic of Indonesia number 543 in 2016. We have grown to become a large and highly respected labor supplier since the beginning of 1999, so we are more experienced and professional in seeking and training qualified workers to be placed in the sector of factory workers, construction workers, nurses, and household managers to be placed in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia.

Our commitment is to be the best training center for workers in Indonesia and proven to have produced the best workforce abroad.

Our latest targets are Japan and Korea, and we are actively preparing to enter this potential market. Our company also gets a “Platinum” rating from the government, which means the highest achievement among 450 employment agents in Indonesia.

PT. Putra Jabung Persada sincerely wants to be a company that can realize the aspirations of TKIs such as our motto and of course to be a profitable company for all components in the company and surrounding communities.